
Father’s Day Weekend, in Evergreen

It’s time to get the ball rolling on putting together another awesome Rodeo Weekend. Our Vendors are a vital part to its success and it’s a fun, exciting atmosphere. We hope you want to join us for a great weekend!

Fill out the Vendor Registration Form at the bottom of the page. All Vendors’ paperwork is linked below:

Reminder, all forms are due by May 15th

First Priority for space confirmation will go to last year’s vendors. Second Priority will be by type of vendor and date of paperwork & fee receipt. Our goal is to limit each “type” of vendor, so that it will be a fun and profitable time for all. Variety is the spice of life and profit.

We will confirm spots as quickly as we can so that you can make your plans for a great Father’s Day Weekend!  We will continue to take applications for spaces until all spaces are spoken for.

Questions?  Please call or email (please put Rodeo Vendor in subject line) [email protected] or call us at 303-670-3928.

Options For Returning the Contract:

  • Email  –  Completed Vendor Contract, including Vendor Info form, and insurance form, to [email protected] (Food & Beverage Vendors must also include Jefferson County Permit.
  • US Mail – Completed Vendor Contract, including Vendor Info form and insurance form, (Food & Beverage Vendors must also include Jefferson County Permit.
  • Online – fill out the Vendor Contract online.  If you are a Food & Beverage Vendor, you must send us your Jefferson County Permit.
    • Mailing address – Evergreen Rodeo Association, c/o Concessions, P.O. Box 759, Evergreen, CO, 80437.
    • Or Email [email protected]

All forms and permits are due by May 15th.

  1. Check – Make Check Payable to:  Evergreen Rodeo Association –  (Please write “Concessions” in Memo Line) Mail to: Evergreen Rodeo Association, c/o Concessions, P.O. Box 759, Evergreen, CO, 80437.
  2. PayPal –  see PayPal link below.


Concessionaire Space

Vendor Registration Form

All Food vendors must include a menu with your application.

  • Copyright Evergreen Rodeo 2025  |  Website by Frozen Fire