Volunteers are involved in every aspect of the Evergreen Rodeo – and they are essential to our success!
Don’t hesitate to get involved! Someone will be there to guide you, answer questions, and tell you what to do.
We appreciate our volunteers! Our “thanks” to you is a ticket to either Saturday or Sunday’s rodeo.
Rodeo Volunteer Positions
RODEO TICKET SALES DURING THE PARADE On Saturday morning, walk Main Street during the parade selling rodeo tickets to the spectators.
RODEO TICKET SALES BOOTH Sell tickets or run the credit card machine.
RODEO GREETER Welcome people at the entrance gate, tear off stubs, stamp hands, and pass out programs.
MERCHANDISE BOOTH Sell T-shirts, hats, etc.
PARKING Direct vehicles in parking lots.
MUTTON BUSTIN’ Contestant check-in and arena hands. A long sleeved shirt (preferably of western design), jeans, cowboy hat, and boots are required inside the rodeo arena.